How to Manage Your Acne Like A Boss

It's time to think of your acne as an employee instead of a bully. It should no longer be the part of your appearance that makes you insecure. It shouldn't be something that makes you want to hide. Instead, think of your acne as an employee. Your employee. And just like all good managers, new employees need training to be successful. So, let's take some advice from Peter Economy, the biz writer at We've adapted his tips from “7 Keys to Becoming a Remarkably Effective Leader” on to manage your acne.

Delegate Wisely

“The key to leadership success is to learn to effectively delegate both the responsibility for completing assignments and the authority required to get things done,” Peter writes. He goes on to explain that we don't always have to do it ourselves. In terms of your skin, working with aestheticians allows them to use their skin care knowledge to recommend treatments to help you reach your skin goals faster and in a healthier way. Speaking of goals..

Set Goals

Let's be clear: set realistic goals. Acne free by the weekend? Not likely. However, a proper assessment of your skin to determine the cause of your acne is a good start. If your dermatologist or aesthetician can determine the cause, you can work with these professionals to create a realistic treatment and home care regimen that will decrease your acne and the scars they can leave behind in a safe and reasonable time frame.


Be up front with your aesthetician about your lifestyle. Share with them your diet and exercise habits, medications you may be taking or if you are feeling particularly stressed recently. This may all affect how your skin is behaving.

Make time for your regimen

Peter recommends making time for your employees. We've adapted this to be about your regimen. Most regimens include a day and night routine and a treatment series to give you a clearer, healthier complexion. It's tempting to skip steps or treatments all together when you are in a hurry or if you have a busy schedule. Understand that these regimens are training your skin to be less reactive, and this training takes time.

Recognize achievements

Is your skin less red? Are your breakouts less frequent? Is your skin less oily? Celebrate the small victories along the way to your skin goals.

Think about lasting solutions

“No matter how difficult the problem, there is always a quick solution, and leaders are happiest when they are devising solutions to problems,” Peter writes. “The trouble is that, in our zeal to fix things quickly and move on to the next fire, we often overlook the lasting solution that may take longer to develop.” We love this quote! There are always going to be new acne treatment fads and DIY masks and peels, but even though you may see results, these quick fixes may be doing damage to your skin long-term. COSMEDIX's treatments and regimens give you the results you desire without compromising skin health.

Don't take it all too seriously

Everyone has improvements they would like to make to their appearance. Keep in mind, though, that these improvements aren't necessary if they aren't affecting our health or our happiness. Let your inner beauty radiate and don't let a few pimples stop you from smiling big and taking charge.
acne treatment

Learn more boss moves by following Peter Economy on Twitter @bizzwriter - and hear more tips in our video below.