The Ultimate Guide to Tech Neck: How to Prevent Those Deep Lines on Your Neck

Dear screen lovers. Try to remain calm because we are about to drop a skincare bomb.

Did you know that the constant thumb scrolling and internet surfing done on your favorite devices could be contributing to early signs of aging? It’s true. With the tech industry booming and many of us sitting at a desk all day long, it’s no wonder we often find our shoulders slouching and neck creasing.

So, if you’ve started to notice two parallel lines making their way across your neck at a steady pace, you aren’t alone. These deep wrinkles, which have been fondly dubbed “tech neck”, are usually the result of sitting, lying and standing with your head tilted down. And while there might not be a magic cure, there are preventative measures you can take to help prevent these lines from running deeper:

Reset Your Posture

Incorrect posture is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to tech neck. Sitting with your shoulders hunched and your chin down can often lead to neck pain and neck wrinkles. So, to help reduce these results, check in with your posture throughout the day. Sending your shoulders back and holding your head high with help reduce creasing in the neck—not to mention it makes you look more confident. Also, when you do scroll through your phone, try to hold it up at face level rather than looking down.

Bring SPF and Vitamin C Down to the Neck

Skincare does not stop at your neck! Now that we all understand the importance of a good SPF and Vitamin C, it’s time to ensure that you are applying it below the chin. The skin on your neck is thinner than the skin on your face, which means it requires extra attention to prevent thinning. Applying Vitamin C to the neck in the morning will help protect the skin from environmental stressors while a SPF will help protect from UVA and UVB rays that could potentially cause aging.

Protect UV | Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Moisturizing Spray that adds hydration and helps prevent future sun damage.

Pure C | Vitamin C Mixing Crystals that boosts skincare while helping to brighten and protect the complexion.

Apply Retinol Every Other Night

Next to SPF, Retinol is the holy grail of skin prevention. Derived from Vitamin A, Retinol helps prevent a handful of skincare imperfections including wrinkles, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Because the neck area is delicate, try incorporating Retinol into your neck-care routine 1-2x times a week. Once your skin adjusts to the new addition, feel free to bump your application up every other night. This will help prevent wrinkles and encourage healthy skin renewal.

Invest in a Neck and Décolleté Cream

While you’re stocking up on trendy blue light glasses to help protect your eyes from the screen, we suggest doing the same for your neck and décolleté area. Applying a moisturizer that is specially formulated to address the thin, delicate skin on your neck and chest is a foolproof way to help prevent the effects of tech neck. Try to stock up on a formula that features ingredients to help reduce the look of fine lines and firm the look of skin. This will help improve deep lines in the neck and chest that can form from gazing at screens or sleeping on your side.

Illuminate & Lift | Neck and Décolleté Treatment helps encourage smoother, firmer-looking skin and minimize the look of age spots and hyperpigmentation.