Get Skin Fit

Get Skin Fit - C O S M E D I X
It's true. Your face can get out of shape. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, making it harder to return to its original shape after years of smiling, laughing and daily movements. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help improve your skin's fitness. By getting your skin in shape, you can easily prevent many signs of premature aging and even correct some that have already begun.
Drink More Water
Proper hydration is an essential part of any workout and skin fitness is no exception. Aside from moisturizing the skin's surface, drinking enough water each day will also help flush toxins and increase circulation and elasticity, leaving skin supple, clear and glowing.
Start Fresh
Just as stretching prepares your body for a jog, cleansing prepares skin for your regimen. That is why it is important to look for a cleanser that not only washes away dirt and impurities, but also maintains the skin's delicate pH and moisture balances. COSMEDIX cleansers such as Benefit Clean and Purity Solution deep clean without stripping away the skin's natural oils so you can begin your regimen with a truly clean slate.
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Apply Before You Dry
Like a sponge, your skin absorbs products best when it is already damp. To make the most of your topical hydrator, apply directly after cleansing and serums, when skin is still damp (not drenched) and pores are open. This traps in moisture and allows the ingredients to work more effectively and for a longer duration.
Be Sun Smart
The leading cause of premature aging (wrinkles, lines, discoloration, etc.) is overexposure to harmful UV rays. While it is impossible to avoid sun exposure, regularly applying a moisturizer with a sun protection factor such as Peptide-Rich Defense can easily offset potential damage and nourish the skin with essential nutrients.
Be Firm
The best way to tackle stubborn wrinkles and thinning, sagging skin is to target weakened elasticity at its source. By using products designed to help firm and tighten problem areas around the forehead, mouth and eyes such as Serum 16, we can aid in rebuilding skin definition and smooth over the signs of premature aging.